Oops, just noticed that someone already posted this.... sorry.
Oops, just noticed that someone already posted this.... sorry.
Tee hee hee
the "special talk" this year was about family happiness.
as always seems to be the case it was a bait and switch job since the talk had actually nothing to do with how to achive family happiness and everything to do with jw doctrine on why familys are unhappy.
mine is unhappy because of jw doctrine but thats the implied irony in attending the sunday indoctrination i suppose.. that said, the speaker trotted out the oft used jw illistration of a dented bread pan to describe why and how sin was passed from one human (adam) to another (all of us).
JWs teach that Adam was a physically perfect, free moral agent. Adam's sin did not cause him to lose physical perfection, rather God took it away. This would imply that God altered/corrupted Adam's DNA. In so doing, God chose to condemn all of us, because we inherited Adam's corrupted DNA.
JWs teach that the "Tree of Life" was only symbolic, and had no supernatural life-granting properties.
“[Jehovah] then had to act as Judge, supporting and applying his own statement of the consequences.— Watchtower 09 2014
God had told Adam: “In the day you eat from [the tree of the knowledge of good and bad] you will certainly die.” Adam may well have understood this “day” to be a 24-hour day. After violating God’s command, he could have expected Jehovah to act before the sun set....
Then [Jehovah] pronounced sentence on the wrongdoers. Were he to execute them then and there, his purpose regarding Adam and Eve and their offspring would come to nothing. Although he confirmed the death penalty and the effects of sin began immediately, he allowed Adam and Eve to produce children who could benefit from other provisions that He would make. Thus, from God’s standpoint, Adam and Eve died on the day they sinned, and they actually died within one “day” of 1,000 years.”
“GOD’S human sons were not meant to die. (Romans 8:20, 21) In fact, when Jehovah first spoke of death to Adam, it was mentioned, not as the outcome that man should normally expect, but as the punishment for disobedience to God.”— Awake! 10/07 2007
“the Creator himself decreed the death sentence for the first human pair, implementing that sentence in a way that man does not fully understand...”— Insight, Volume II pg. 247
“The first reference to death in the Scriptures occurs at Genesis 2:16, 17 in God’s command to the first man concerning the eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, violation of which command would result in death. However, death among animals as a natural process was evidently already in effect, since they are passed over completely in the Biblical presentation of the introduction of death into the human family. The gravity of God’s warning about the death penalty for disobedience would therefore be understandable to his human son, Adam. Adam’s disobedience to his Creator brought death to him. Thereafter, Adam’s sin and its consequence, death, spread to all men.”“Adam and Eve also experienced a physical change. God condemned them to death, just as he had said he would. They became imperfect, and this led to the corrupting of the whole human race—their offspring.”— Watchtower 06/15 1984
“When Adam was created, God placed in the garden of Eden “the tree of life.” This tree evidently had no intrinsic life-giving qualities in its fruit, but it represented God’s guarantee of life “to time indefinite” to the one whom God would allow to eat of its fruit.”— Insight, Volume II, pg. 245
has the new june 2015 watchtower finally done away with 7000 year creative days?
the box the bible and proven scientific facts.
genesis chapter 1 uses the term day to set out the stages in the preparation of the earth for life in all its diverse forms.
The last explicit mention of 7000 years was 1987, however it can be implied from the 1998 Creator book. Since then, the WT has very carefully stated that each "day" was "thousands" of years long (I think an argument can be made to suggest that this still means something like 7000 to 10,000 years).
My point would be that, on careful reading, the new WT does nothing to contradict the ridiculous notion of "thousands" of years.
I've compiled the relevant WT quotations here: http://www.jwbeliefs.com/jehovahs-witnesses-believe-creative-days/
has the new june 2015 watchtower finally done away with 7000 year creative days?
the box the bible and proven scientific facts.
genesis chapter 1 uses the term day to set out the stages in the preparation of the earth for life in all its diverse forms.
Has the new June 2015 Watchtower finally done away with 7000 year creative days? The box “ The Bible and Proven Scientific Facts.” says:
Genesis chapter 1 uses the term “day” to set out the stages in the preparation of the earth for life in all its diverse forms. The culminating event in this simple description was the appearance of humans. The Bible fixes no duration for the six creative “days.” Instead, it opens the door for modern scientists to study them and assign accurate time spans to them. We know that the creative “days” were much longer than 24-hour days.
The WT still avoids saying "billions" or "millions" of years in connection with the creative "days". It seems that everything in this box is consistent with the JW teaching that each "day" was only "thousands" of years long, as repeatedly stated in previous WTs.
I've never read a science paper that assigns "accurate time spans to [the creative days]". Didn't science dispense with the Genesis account a century ago because NOTHING in it aligns with the evidence?
Do you think the WT's use of "accurate time spans" is similar to its use of "true science" (i.e.: whatever agrees with us is true)?
Day seven is not mentioned... perhaps it is still of known length (7000 years)?
well, not at first, but the brain damage had been done, and he would have been on a machine for the rest of his life.i figure he was about 55. that ain't old, folks!but, not to worry.
when i was a child, i was told on good authority that i would never grow old in this system of things.
i imagine he was told the same thing.
I know (kind of) how you feel. I was born in the early 1980s, when the 'generation' was running out of time. No way I would ever grow old in this system of things. Heck, I didn't even have to worry about high school!
Now, in my early thirties, I've lost two friends and watched several others lose parents. I'm battling stage 4 cancer and might not even make it through the next five years!
We were lied to. Simple as that.
this is a real conversation i had with a jw friend last night.
several times previously he claimed to be a certified genius, having supposedly passed the mensa test.... .
me: so what do you think about jws condoning the idea that dinosaurs could have lived with humans?.
This is a real conversation I had with a JW friend last night. Several times previously he claimed to be a certified genius, having supposedly passed the MENSA test…
ME: So what do you think about JWs condoning the idea that Dinosaurs could have lived with humans?
FRIEND: JWs never said that.
ME: Yes they did, you can look it up on your WT CD.
ME: Well, whatever, you should look it up. What about life in general then… how do you square the fact that it’s more then 3.5 billion years old with JW teachings?
FRIEND: Life has only been around for like 20,000 years. So you believe in carbon dating?
ME: So, you don’t know what carbon dating is? It has nothing to do with determining the age of fossil-bearing rocks.
FRIEND: Don’t just sh*t on me, dude.
ME: Ok ok. I’m just interested how you square reality with your beliefs. To me, if something doesn’t match reality, it’s probably not “The Truth”.
Like the science of Genetics… What do you think about the JW idea that Noah and his wife were white and they gave birth to the first black man?
FRIEND: Pfffft! What are you talking about?
ME: Yeah, it’s an idea that’s been around a long time. Just watch the new(ish) Noah video on JW.org - Ham is a black man, Noah is white.
FRIEND: No way that’s true.
ME: Right, we’re watching the video (got iPad and watched video).
FRIEND: Well, I think a lot of JWs don’t give adaptation within kind enough credit.
ME: I don’t know what that means.
FRIEND: Well, it’s just variation. So-and-so is black and short, I’m white and tall. Obviously it can happen.
ME: No, what JWs show in the video is genetically impossible. If it were possible, we would have to re-write the entire science of Genetics.
FRIEND: Whatever. You’re just sh*ting on me.
ME: Sorry, I’m just surprised that you don’t seem to have ever addressed any of these issues. For me, they’re important.
Like, the polar ice caps. Are you familiar with ice layers?
ME: Really? Ice layers. The glacial ice in Antarctica is made of annual layers. At lake Vostok there are like 600,000 annual layers, complete with ash deposits from volcanoes that erupted at known historical times. But guess what, there’s no Flood layer.
ME: No Flood layer. Would’t you expect Noah’s Flood to have left some kind of trace? Volcanoes did.
Actually, it’s worse than that, ice floats. If the Flood was only 4000 years ago, the ice shouldn’t be any more than 4000 years old. But it’s hundreds of thousand of years old!
FRIEND: Well, you’ve got me there. I guess you just believe or you don’t.
ME: So, you just don’t really care?
FRIEND: No. I believe. Stop sh*ting on me.
ME: Ok ok…. I’ll stop with science then. How about morality? How do you justify the immoral things that your God does in the Bible?
FRIEND: Like what?
ME: Like when He struck David’s baby with sickness so that it took seven days to die… all because David “disrespected” God. How do you justify that?
FRIEND: If it's in the Bible, obviously it's OK. I have no problem with it.
i'm literally speechless on this.
mixed between a big wth, rofl, dumbest thing ever made, and shock that wt actually made this and is taking it seriously!
this weeks assigned bible reading is judges 1-4. i have never noticed judges 1:19 before which reads in the nwt as:.
jehovah was with judah, and they took possession of the mountainous region, but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the plain,* because they had war chariots with iron scythes.
but in the kj as:.
From Fraternizing to Idolatry
In taking possession of the Promised Land, the Israelites won early victories over its inhabitants. However, the sons of Israel failed to obey God’s commands fully. They did not drive out the enemy. (Judg. 1:1–2:10) - WT 2/15 2008
Because God’s orders were not fully carried out, many inhabitants of Canaan survived Israel’s conquest of the Promised Land. (Judges 1:19-21) - WT 7/15 1997
Showing how Israel had “not listened” to God, the Scriptures relate that the tribe of Judah neglected to dispossess the inhabitants of a certain area of southern Canaan “because [the inhabitants] had war chariots with iron scythes.” (Judg. 1:19) Apparently these scythed chariots frightened the tribe of Judah. Thereafter the tribes of Benjamin, Manasseh, Ephraim, Zebulun, Asher, Naphtali and Dan likewise failed to drive out the Canaanite inhabitants of numerous cities and dependent towns. Instead, they consented to dwell in among the Canaanites, setting some of them to “forced labor.”—Judg. 1:21-36. - WT 8/15 1977
over the past couple years i have watched three young jw woman give up thier lives rather than accept blood.
the last was a new mother in her late 20s.
this is her story, as it unfolded on facebook:.
Over the past couple years I have watched three young JW woman give up thier lives rather than accept blood. The last was a new mother in her late 20s. This is her story, as it unfolded on Facebook:
NB: The following Facbook posts were taken from public profiles only. All names and photos have been obscured. I belive it is important for people to see the tragedy and heartache caused by the teachings of JWs. It is devastating for everyone involved; JWs and non-JWs alike. If this post is in bad taste, I will remove it.